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王俊菊williamhill中文欢迎您特聘教授、博士生导师,全国新文科教育研究中心副主任,williamhill中文欢迎您二语写作教学与研究中心主任,williamhill中文欢迎您外语教材研究与建设基地主任,原willhill官方网站、翻译学院经理,现任教育部高等学校英语专业教学分指导委员会委员,山东省通用语类教学指导委员会主任委员,山东省学科评议组成员兼文科三组秘书长。兼任中国英汉语比较研究写作与研究专业委员会会长、外语教师教育与发展专业委员会副会长、中国英语教学研究分会常务理事、第二语言习得专业委员会常务理事、山东省翻译协会会长等。主要从事应用语言学领域的研究,研究兴趣包括二语写作、外语教育、外语教师发展等,主持/参与国家社科重点项目等20余项,出版《二语写作文本产出机制研究》《英语写作认知心理研究》等著作和教材30余部,在Journal of Second Language Writing、《外语教学与研究》等国内外高水平期刊上发表学术论文110余篇,获山东省优秀教学成果奖特等奖、山东省社科联优秀科研成果二等奖等奖项20余项。兼任《二语写作》主编,《英语教育研究》副主编,Journal of Writing Research、《山东外语教学》《第二语言学习研究》《基础英语教育》编委,近年作为核心成员参与了《英语类专业本科教学指南》《高中英语课程标准》《义务教育英语课程标准》《中国英语能力等级量表》的研制、修订或审校工作。获评万人计划教学名师、享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家、教育部新世纪优秀人才、宝钢全国优秀教师、霍英东教育基金会公司产品奖、山东省泰山学者特聘专家、山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家、山东省社科名家、山东省教学名师、山东省教书育人楷模、山东省三八红旗手、山东省教育工会女职工建功立业标兵等。带领团队获评全国五一巾帼标兵岗、山东省教育系统三八红旗集体、山东省研究生优秀导学团队等。

Dr. Junju Wang is a professor of applied linguistics and the former dean of the School of Foreign Languages and Literature at Shandong University, China. She is currently the deputy director of the National Centre for New Humanities and Social Science Education, the director of the SDU Centre for L2 Writing Teaching and Research, and the director of the SDU Research Centre for Foreign Language Teaching Materials. Her research area is primarily in the field of English applied linguistics with her research interests in L2 writing, language education, second language acquisition, EFL teacher development, and cross-cultural communication.

Dr. Wang has received over 20 research grants at national, provincial and university levels, either as the principal investigator or a key researcher. She has edited over 20 textbooks, and (co-)authored several monographs including The Mechanism of Text Production in L2 Writing, From Ideas to Text: A Cognitive Study on EFL Writing Processes. Her over 110 research papers appear in top journals like Journal of Second Language Writing, and Foreign Language Teaching and Research. In recent years, she participated, as a core member, in the construction, revision or reviewing work of National Teaching Guidelines for English Majors, General Senior High School Curriculum Standards, English Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education, and China’s Standards of English Language Ability.

Dr. Wang is the winner of “Master Teacher of National Ten-Thousand Special Support Program for High-Level Personnel”, “State Council Expert for Special Allowance Expert”, “Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University”, “National Baogang Best Teacher Award”, “Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation Award”, “Renown Expert in Social Sciences of Shandong Province”, “First Prize of Excellent Teaching Work of Shandong Province”, “Second Prize for Excellent Academic Research Work of Shandong Province”, “Best Model Teacher of Shandong Province”, “Outstanding Women Contributor of Shandong Province”, etc. Her team won the titles of “National "May 1" Women's Model Post”, “Best Women Team in Universities of Shandong Province”, and Best Postgraduate Supervisors Team of Shandong Province”.

Currently, Dr. Wang serves as Member of the National Advisory Committee on Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education of MOE, Director of the National Association of EFL Writing Teaching and Research, executive member of China English Education Association, the National Association of Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development, the National Association of Second Language Research, and the National Association of Interface of Foreign Language Studies, as well as director of Translators Association of Shandong Province. In the meantime, she is the managing editor of Chinese Journal of Second Language Writing, the editorial board of Journal of Writing Research, Shandong Foreign Language Teaching, Journal of English Education Research, Journal of Second Language Learning Research, Journal of Basic English Education and blind reviewer for journals like Journal of Applied Linguistics, System, Journal of Educational Psychology, Qualitative Research, Journal of Asia TEFL, Assessing Writing and several other Chinese journals like Foreign Languages Teaching and Research, Modern Languages, Foreign Languages Education Theory and Practice, Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, and Foreign Language Education in China.

上一条:冯伟 下一条:郭海红


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