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董记华,女,山东淄博人,willhill官方网站教授,博士生导师,山东省青年泰山学者,williamhill中文欢迎您齐鲁青年学者,williamhill中文欢迎您文科优青,新西兰奥克兰大学应用语言学博士、博士后,新西兰奥克兰大学联合博士生导师。兼任国际知名SSCI期Applied Linguistics, English for Specific Purposes, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL),Ibérica, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, System等的审稿人、中国英汉语比较研究会写作教学与研究专业委员会理事、山东省国外语言学学会理事、对外话语体系研究委员会委员、山东省大数据研究会语言大数据专业委员会会长、美国应用语言学协会(AAAL)和新西兰应用语言学协会(ALANZ)会员。







国家社会科学后期资助一般项目 跨学科学术语篇中的作者话语权构建多维度研究(No. 21FYYB052)2021.10-2024.09项目负责人

教育部中外语言交流合作中心重点项目 中国新闻多语语料库数字资源平台的创建与应用(No. YHJC22ZD004)2022.12-2024.11项目负责人

教育部中外语言交流合作中心重点项目 中医汉英语料库数字资源平台的创建与应用(No. YHJC21ZD-049)2021.12-2023.05项目负责人

教育部考试中心重点项目Integrating CSE into the academic writing program for EFL learners(No. EARG2020003)2020.10-2022.09项目负责人

国家社会科学青年基金资助项目 动态系统理论视域下中国学者国际发表中的身份构建研究(No. 17CYY053)2017.07-2020.06(项目结项优秀)项目负责人

外文局重点项目 中国共产党百年话语嬗变研究(No. 21DWHY10)2021.05-2022.10项目负责人

山东省泰山学者青年项目 我国学者国际发表中的身份构建的多维度特征研究2019.06-2024.05项目负责人

山东省教改重点项目 基于数据驱动的英语写作数字平台创建及教学实践(Z2022151)2022.12-2024.11项目负责人


济南市海右创新团队 济南市旅游交通语言服务及城市形象研究 项目负责人

陕西省社科基金项目 基于语料库的专门用途英语教学模式研究(2020K025)2020.06-2022.05项目负责人


Dong, J., Du, K., & Buckingham, L. (2024). Author self-reference in cross-linguistic/cultural and cross-disciplinary academic discourse.Journal of English for Academic Purposes (SSCI, Q1), 101352.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2024.101352

Dong, J., Liu, Y., & Lu, X. (2023). A discourse dynamics analysis of academic voice construction: Disciplinary variation, trajectories, and dynamic interaction patterns.System(SSCI,Q1),119,103181.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2023.103181

Dong, J., Dong, S., & Buckingham, L. (2023). A discourse dynamics exploration of terminology for Covid-19 in professional and public discourse: A frame-based approach.Terminology,29(2), 224-251.https://doi.org/10.1075/term.00070.don

Dong, J.,Dong, S., & Buckingham, L. (2023). How does a research topic evolve into a research field? —a bibliometric analysis of metadiscourse research.Ibérica(SSCI, Q3), (45), 163-189.https://doi.org/10.17398/2340-2784.45.163

Dong, J., Wang, H., & Buckingham, L. (2023). Mapping out the disciplinary variation of syntactic complexity in student academic writing.System(SSCI, Q1), 102974.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2022.102974

Dong, J., & Buckingham, L. (2023). The Development and Inheritance of Authorial Stance in Interdisciplinary Studies: The Case of Bioinformatics. In Interdisciplinary Practices in Academia (pp. 76-89). Routledge.https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003263067

Dong, J.,Zhao, Y., & Buckingham, L. (2022). Charting the landscape of data-driven learning using a bibliometric analysis.ReCALL(SSCI, Q1), 1-17.https://doi.org/10.1017/S0958344022000222

Dong, J.,& Buckingham, L. (2022). Identity construction and its collocation networks: a cross-register analysis of the finance domain. Text & Talk (SSCI, Q3).https://doi.org/10.1515/text-2020-0094

Dong, J.,Buckingham, L., & Wu, H. (2021). A discourse dynamics exploration of attitudinal responses towards COVID-19 in academia and media.International Journal of Corpus Linguistics(SSCI, Q3), 26(4), 532-556.https://doi.org/10.1075/ijcl.21103.don

Dong, J.(2021). Constructing Persuasion: A Cross-cultural Comparison of Chinese and English Student Writings. In Crossing Borders, Writing Texts, Being Evaluated: Cultural and Disciplinary Norms in Academic Writing,(pp. 97-131). Multilingual Matters.https://www.multilingual-matters.com/page/detail/?K=9781788928557

Dong, J.,& Lu, X. (2020). Promoting discipline-specific genre competence with corpus-based genre analysis activities.English for Specific Purposes(SSCI, Q1,), 58: 138-154.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esp.2020.01.005

Dong, J.,& Buckingham, L. (2020). Stance phraseology in academic discourse: cross-disciplinary variation in authors’ presence.Ibérica(SSCI, Q3), 39: 191-214http://revistaiberica.org/index.php/iberica/article/view/81

Dong, J.(2020). Corpus Linguistics for English Teachers: Tools, Online Resources, and Classroom Activities, Eric Friginal (Ed.) (2018), 350pp.System(SSCI, Q1),89: 1-2.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2020.102211

Dong, J.(2020). Profiling Learner Language as a Dynamic System, Han, ZhaoHong. Bristol, England: Multilingual Matters, 2019. Pp. 198. TESOL Quarterly(SSCI, Q1), Volume 54, Issue 4, December 2020https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.578

Dong, J.,& Jiang, F. (2019). John Flowerdew and Tracey Costley (eds): Discipline-Specific Writing: Theory into Practice.Applied Linguistics(SSCI, Q1), 40(2): 404-407.https://doi.org/10.1093/applin/amy010

Dong, J.& Jiang, F. (2019). Construing evaluation through patterns: register-specific variations.Australian Journal of Linguistics(SSCI, Q4), 25:73-97.https://doi.org/10.1080/07268602.2019.1542932

Dong, J.(2019).Teaching Writing for Academic Purposes to Multilingual Students: Instructional Approaches, John Bitchener, Neomy Storch, Rosemary Wette (Eds.). Routledge (2017).Journal of Second Language Writing(SSCI, Q1), 44:76-78.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jslw.2018.11.003

Dong, J.(2019).Charlotte Taylor and Anna Marchi (eds), Corpus Approaches to Discourse: A Critical Review, 21:490-492.Discourse Studies(SSCI, Q3).https://doi.org/10.1177/1461445619847786e

Dong, J.,& Buckingham, L. (2018). The collocation networks of stance phrases.Journal of English for Academic Purposes(SSCI, Q1), 36:119-131.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2018.10.004

Dong, J.,& Buckingham, L. (2018). The textual colligation of stance phraseology in cross-disciplinary academic discourse: the timing of authors' self-projection.International Journal of Corpus Linguistics(SSCI, Q3),23(4): 409-437.该文被Science期刊以letter形式转载。http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/ijcl.16137.don

Dong, J.(2018). The discourse of peer review: reviewing submissions to academic journals, Brian Paltridge, Palgrave Macmillan, London (2017), xiv+235pp.Journal of English for Academic Purposes(SSCI, Q1), 33: 122-124.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2018.03.012

Dong, J.(2018). Baker, P., & Egbert, J. (Eds.) (2016). Triangulating Methodological Approaches in Corpus Linguistic Research.International Journal of Corpus Linguistics(SSCI, Q3), 23 (3): 376-382.http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/ijcl.00007.don

Dong, J.(2016). A Dynamic Systems Theory approach to development of listening strategies and listening performance.System(SSCI, Q1), 3: 149-165.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2016.10.004

董记华&郑咏滟. (2023)动态系统理论视角下的学习者书面语多维度分析.山东外语教学(4),45-59.

董记华,董帅&王昊. (2023).基于文本特征的英语写作评分指标模型创建及应用.中国考试(02), 42-48. DOI: 10.19360/j.cnki.11-3303/g4.2023.02.006.

董记华&董帅. (2022).基于语料库的中国共产党网络媒体话语的历时研究.外语研究(05)), 39-44. DOI: 10.13978/j.cnki.wyyj.2022.05.017.

董记华&李丽霞. (2014).语料库视角下中英员工立场短语使用特征对比研究.西安外国语大学学报, 22(3):18-21. DOI: 10.16362/j.cnki.cn61-1457/h.2014.03.024.

董记华&李丽霞. (2009)我国英语听力策略研究15年:回顾与展望.西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版) 9(4):123-126. DOI: 10.13968/j.cnki.1009-9107.2009.04.00


杨瑞英,姜峰&董记华. (2021)专门用途英语新发展研究.清华大学出版社.

Buckingham, L.,Dong, J., & Jiang, F. K. (Eds.). (2023). Interdisciplinary Practices in Academia: Writing, Teaching and Assessment. Routledge.


Dr. Jihua Dong is a professor, PhD supervisor and postdoc supervisor in Foreign Language Department of Shandong University, a Young Taishan Scholar of Shandong Province, a Young Qilu Scholar of Shandong University, and a Liberal Arts Outstanding Youth of Shandong University. She obtained her doctoral degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. She is also working as a co-supervisor for doctoral students at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Her research interests include Corpus Linguistics, Academic English Writing, English for Special Purposes, Second Language Acquisition, Discourse Analysis, and Dynamic Systems Theory, etc.

Dr. Dong is the principal investigator (PI) for over 10 research funds at national, provincial and university levels. Her publications have appeared in renowned SSCI journals such asEnglish for Specific Purposes, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, System and ReCALL, etc.She has taught courses including Academic Writing, Linguistics, Introduction to Corpus Linguistics, and Corpus Linguistics Theory and Practices.

She has reviewed for journals, such asApplied Linguistics, English for Specific Purposes, International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL), Ibérica, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, System. She has also worked as a reviewer for the National Science Foundation of the United States. She is now serving as a council member of China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese, and a council member of the Shandong Foreign Linguistics Association, the Chairman of the Language Big Data Professional Committee of the Big Data Research Association of Shandong Province, as well as a member of the Association of Applied Linguistics of New Zealand (ALANZ) and a member of the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL).




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