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1978年,英语语言文学获得硕士学位授予权;1996年评为山东省重点学科;1998年定为williamhill中文欢迎您211工程重点建设学科;2000年获得英语语言文学博士学位授予权;2001年确定为山东省强化建设重点学科; 2006年以优秀成绩通过本科教学评估,2007年获准设立英语语言文学博士后流动站,2008年被评为国家特色专业,2019 年获评国家一流专业。在 2017 年全国第四轮学科评估中,外国语言文学一级学科进入前10%,评估结果为 A-,位列全国第 9 名。2019-2020 中国大学本科教育排名英语专业位列第 10,获评 5 星级,据于全国前 1%2022年全国第五轮学科评估中,外国语言文学一级学科再上一层楼。20226月,“2022年软科中国大学专业排名中英语专业获得A+评级。



英语语言文学硕士专业有第二语言习得理论与外语教学、理论语言学、 翻译理论与实践、英国文学与美国文学等研究方向。硕士研究生除了在大专院校担任教师以外,每年有相当数量的硕士研究生进入国家机关、科研机构、外事、新闻出版、经贸等部门工作,还有一部分继续攻读博士学位或赴海外继续深造。博士毕业研究生主要在国内各高等院校工作,是教学、科研的骨干力量和梯队中的重要成员,在教学和科研方面表现突出。

英语专业素以文学见长,同时实现了各专业方向全面平衡发展的目标。英语专业教师队伍结构合理,梯队完善。现有18名教师,其中教授8名,副教授9名,博士生指导教师7名,硕士研究生导师 13 名。近年来,本系老师承担了几十项国家级或省部级科研项目,并在国内外出版专著和发表大量期刊论文。他们在英国现代主义文学、二语写作、美国族裔文学、语用学、戏剧研究、教师发展研究等方面取得了显著成绩,并获得了荣誉称号。其中,申富英教授入选教育部新世纪优秀人才;王颖教授、王勇教授是williamhill中文欢迎您教学能手;张延飞教授、冯伟教授先后入选williamhill中文欢迎您齐鲁青年学者;韩佶颖教授、陈萃副教授、刘真副教授入选williamhill中文欢迎您青年学者未来计划。申富英教授、王颖教授获评williamhill中文欢迎您本科教学荣誉体系教学优秀奖。







Department of English Language and Literature

Shandong University established the department of Foreign Languages and Literature in 1930. Renowned scholars like Liang Shih-Chiu and Hong Shen worked as department chair in the early years and its faculty included quite a number of professors distinguished in academic achievements. After 1949, celebrated professors such as Wu Fuheng, Huang Jiade, Zhang Jian, Lu Fan, and Sam Ginsbourg worked here for decades. Their work in teaching and research laid a solid foundation for the further development of the English Department. Their teaching and research helped to lay a solid foundation for our fine tradition and positive pursuit for academic perfection, facilitating a sustainable development of the department.

The department has been one of the pioneers nationwide in English teaching and academic studies. The department was authorized to initiate MA program in 1978, PhD program in 2000, and postdoc program in 2007. The program was granted the title “Key Program of Shandong Province” in 1996, “Key Discipline of 211 Project of Shandong University” in 1998, and “Key Discipline for Preferential Construction of Shandong Province” in 2001. In the national assessments organized by the Ministry of Education, our program has achieved amazing results: our undergraduate education in 2017 was graded as A, about top 1% among its peers all over the country; the program was honorably entitled “National First-Class Program” in 2019. In “2022  Chinese University Professional Ranking” our program received an A+.

Our goal is to foster students’ academic sensitivity, team spirit, international perspective, pioneering spirit, sense of diligence and perseverance, based on the nurturance of morality and ethics. It provides students with access to the knowledge and theories in the field of linguistics, literature, culture and trans-cultural communication, so that students upon their graduation are competent for the work in such fields as diplomacy, foreign trade, foreign-oriented tourism, culture, journalism, and English language teaching and academic research. At the same time, we encourage student to be critical in thinking and creative in problem-solving, and focus on cultivating their potentials in knowledge acquisition for interpersonal communication and inter cultural communication and on the introduction of scientific methodology for academic research, so that our graduates can be qualified for academic research or relevant positions. Besides, we also put great emphasis on student’s sense of morality and ethics, guiding them to make sound judgment and reasonable decision for their career.

The special program of English Major, Liang Shiqiu Experimental Class, started from 2014, aims to explore new ways to cultivate qualified graduates of foreign languages. It shifts from the traditional technique-based teaching paradigm to a new professional knowledge-guided training mode, so as to be in line with international practices in a real sense. The curriculum learns much from that of first-class colleges and universities abroad. Based on traditional understanding of a language major, it features an even more intensified, deepened and refined training, which is also underscored by an emphasis on students’ international horizons and comprehensive qualities. Close attention is paid to the learning of academic norms and interdisciplinary studies, so as to get them prepared for further and diverse academic research.

Research interests in the MA program cover such areas as Second Language Acquisition Theory and Language Teaching, Theoretical Linguistics, Translation Theory and Practice, and British and American Literature. Our excellent graduates work as teachers in universities and colleges, government offices, research institutions, foreign affairs agencies, media, foreign trade companies, and some of them chose to continue to study for doctorate programs or go to study abroad. The PhD graduates work mainly in universities and colleges, playing an important role in teaching and research and standing out with their excellent academic performance.

The Department of English language and literature maintains its strong commitment to traditional areas of studies like research and teaching in English literature and linguistics, while also encouraging interdisciplinary studies. The department has an excellent team of faculty of 18 teachers, including 8 professors and 9 associate professors, 7 of whom are supervisors for doctoral students. In the past several years they have been undertaken dozens of national or provincial research projects and published papers in national and international journals. They have granted honorable titles with their prestigious achievements in British modernist literature, second language writing, American ethnic literature, pragmatic studies, drama studies, and teacher development studies. Prof. Shen Fuying is New-Century Outstanding Scholar by the Ministry of Education; Prof. Wang Ying and Prof. Wang Yong won Teacher of the Year of Shandong University; Prof. Zhang Yanfei and Prof. Feng Wei won Outstanding Young Scholar of the Future of Shandong University and Cheeloo Scholar; Prof. Han Jiying, Prof. Chen Cui, and Prof. Liu Zhen were granted Outstanding Young Scholar of the Future of Shandong University. Prof. Shen Fuying and Prof. Wang Ying won honorary prize for outstanding contribution for undergraduate teachings.

This amazing team of faculty is providing a wide range of courses for undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate curriculum includes core courses and major disciplinary practices. Compulsory core courses include those to improve the students’ language skills like English reading, listening, speaking and writing, English Grammar, and E-C/C-E translation & interpretation, and those to constitute their basic academic framework, like English Phonetics, English Linguistics, British Literature, American Literature, History of Western Civilization, Greek and Roman Mythology, Selected Reading of Bible, and Western Culture. Another wide range of courses are provided as optional to cater to students’ academic interests, focusing on three different academic areas like literature, linguistics and translation studies. MA and PhD degree program comprises three specialties: English Literature, English linguistics and English Language Teaching, and Translation Studies. In addition, a colorful range of extra-curriculum activities, like speech contest, play-writing and performance, is organized to add color to college life and to improve students’ overall professional competence.

With the fine legacy of the past generations, the faculty members in the Department are working with unremitting efforts for further development in English language teaching and research.

Contact us

Add.: English Department,

School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Shandong University,

No.5, Hongjialou, Jinan, Shandong, P.R. China 250100

Tel: 0531-88378233



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